Note: This is an archived news article. The information and links are likely out of date.

Cave Filth: Mutation Day

Celebrate the holiday with 5 new mutations

Happy National Mutation Day! Not much introduction is needed, other than linking to the Cave Filth's part 1 preview and part 2 preview.

Onto the Mutations!

Barbed Mutant

This little fella is dangerous to everyone around him! He's great at working a crowd.

Burrow Mutant

You thinking it'll be good fun to switch around Event Abilities on the Sand Wyrm to keep his attack value high? Just imagine switching mutations around to the right unit to wallop somebody with 4-attack using this guy. Or, in a pinch, he can assassinate!

Poison Mutant

This stand-up goblin has poison that affects units just like the Jungle Elves (click for poison rules). Any special rule like Poison, Mutations or the Prison Pile will have a card in the box.

Bone Mutant

This handsome charmer has a rather Filth-y ability! This guy has plenty of reach, especially considering his bevy of bones to use for bludgeoning.

Ok, last mutation! And it's a doozy.

Legion Mutant

The ultimate power play, this guy can have up to a 5 value attack and 6 life. (The card that's mutated counts, plus the four you add when summoning.) That's just nasty, plain and simple.

We hope you've enjoyed the Deep Bender and Cave Filth previews. New factions previewed next week! See you then.

Cave Filth: Part 1, Part 2
Deep Benders: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Fallen Phoenix: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Sand Cloaks: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3

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