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Speed and Stealth

Agents for a Reclaimed Kingdom Part 9

Welcome to the ninth(!) preview in our series of previews on the Specter Ops. Previously, we featured the A.R.K. Agents of Specter Ops.  Before that we featured the Raxxon Hunters. Specter Ops: The Shadow of Babel is currently available for pre-order in the store. Watch a game overview video, check out our first equipment preview below, and then pre-order today!

We've seen in our Agent previews their special equipment cards. All of the Agents, aside from Blue Jay, reveal when they are using that card. While a few pieces of equipment that we will see tomorrow also are revealed, there are two pieces of equipment that are not revealed, and can be shared among any of the agents. How would you know they used one of these two pieces of equipment? A rotation of a card means one of two things: a speedy maneuver, or a stealthy one.

Adrenal Surge Card
One of the more common equipment pieces is the Adrenal Surge. The Adrenal Surge is a one time Boost card that allows the Agent to move up to 6 spaces instead of the normal 4, which might be your only way to make ground when you have encroaching Hunters, need a quick break after you've been spotted, or perhaps get you to an exit point before the final blow. Either way, it is almost always advantageous to pack one of these with you, and make use of it especially if The Beast is continually using Quadripedal Move. Blue Jay gets a nice use out of this card, at least for one turn, to pull off a objective flip and flee perhaps giving away no information at all about her whereabouts except "you were too late."

Stealth Field
The other piece of equipment is the Stealth Field. A Device card that allows, until the start of your next turn, to only be visible if you are within 2 spaces of the hunter. This is nice to use against The Gun, providing (at least for a turn) nullification from Quick Draw or Sniper Shot. It also it a great piece of equipment if you have been cornered into a quadrant and just aren't getting the opening you need to cross a roadway and continue moving through the facility.

Conveniently, the uncertainty of which of these cards was played can be to your advantage. Packing both of these cards is good for Agents who plan very strategic moves; knowing when to and when not to cross paths, trip off the Motion Sensor, or to bluff about anything happening at all. I will warn you, be cautious about using equipment cards to bluff. Not that it cannot help you, but your equipment is a limited resource, and may be the only thing keeping you alive.

Click here to pre-order Specter Ops today.

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