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Ashes Preview: The Songs Remain the Same

Shatter Pulse, Guilt Link and String Mage!

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“We are connected, the innocent and the evil.”


Welcome back for another Ashes preview! We’re continuing explore the upcoming cards in “The Laws of Lions” and “The Song of Soaksend “ Deluxe Expansions. These expansions will include a brand new deck for Ashes, a deluxe deck box and 10 custom-engraved dice! If you haven’t already checked out Odette and Namine themselves, be sure to read up on them, and you can catch the first part of Odette’s preview here. For now, let’s take a closer look at a few of Namine’s upcoming cards, which include a harsh Reaction Spell, a punishing Ready Spell and the first of Namine’s musical Allies!


Shatter Pulse

Shatter Pulse

This Reaction spell is a force to be reckoned with. It’s rare to see a card that can act as a strong unit removal AND dice manipulation. Shatter Pulse can destroy an enemy unit regardless of what their current life value is, making it a great answer to units that are tough to take down. Shatter Pulse can also change 2 dice in either player’s active dice pool, giving the player the option to grab the power dice needed for a future play or to muddle an opponent’s active pool.  


Guilt Link

Guilt Link

 Back in our preview of Divine and Sympathy Magic, we discussed how Sympathy magic is designed to explore the connections in the world of Ashes. No card personifies that more than Guilt Link. This Ready Spell allows players to turn newly received damage right back on their opponent. To avoid that damage, opponent players will have to pay the heavy cost  of losing a unit or Ready Spell. It’s also worth noting that a player can trigger multiple copies of Guilt Link, leaving you with the possibility of sending back three wounds on a single instance of damage! This pairs well with the Ceremonial Power Ability, which deals damage to return an ally to your hand.

String Mage

String Mage

For just two dice, String Mage is a very durable unit with a life value of 3 a recover value of 2. The Exchange Link ability allows the String Mage to redistribute Status and Wound tokens. This powerful ability allows a player to remove damage from their own units and send it to an opponent’s unit. Status tokens that are generated from cards like Iron Worker can be moved to Maeoni’s Silver Snakes this way as well! This ability will be further explored when we discuss the synergy of Namine’s musical allies in future articles.


Namine’spreview cycle is off to a strong start with these cards, but this is just her opening number! Tune in next time to explore the synergies and combos her cards bring to the table! Be sure to check in next week for more Ashes previews from “The Laws of Lions” and “The Song of Soaksend” Deluxe Expansions, available soon from retailers and our own web store! ‘Till next time!


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