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Divine and Sympathy Magic

Exploring two new Dice for Ashes!

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Until now, we’ve only seen four types of magic in the world of Argaia. The four dice types available in “Ashes: Rise of the Phoenixborn” have shown players a wide range of the power residing in the world of Ashes, but it’s only the beggining. Today, we explore two new dice types that will be available in the upcoming Ashes Deluxe Expansion Sets, “The Law of Lions” and “The Song of Soaksend.” 

Divine Magic

Divine Magic is equal parts protection and punishment. Expect to see more cards that shield your units from incoming damage or obliterate enemy forces from the battlefield. Odette’s justice is swift, and her Divine conjurations carry out her judgement without hesitation.

Divine Reference Card

The Divine Power Ability represents a serious improvement to the survivability of your units. Cancelling up to 2 damage can more often than not decide whether a unit lives or dies, meaning that a Divine die on the right unit can turn the tide of battle in your favor. Players must be cautious, though, as the ability only lasts until the start of your next turn.

Divine Die

Sympathy Magic

There are connections that bind all things in the world of Argaia. Sympathy Magic serves to discover and empower these connections, bending them to serve the Phoenixborn. Sympathy Magic makes use of different triggers in Ashes to unlock powerful abilities. Namine has spent several lifetimes examining and identifying these connections, but now she is forced to use them against the very Phoenixborn she once fought alongside.

Sympathy Reference Card


The Sympathy Power Ability allows players to draw a new card from their deck. That player must then put a card on the top or bottom of their deck afterwards. Do you have a card that isn’t ideal for a matchup? Toss it on the bottom for something better. Don’t have the dice left to play a particular reaction spell? Throw it on top for next round (Be sure not to meditate before then!) This is a very flexible Power Ability that truly embodies the concept of Sympathy Magic.

Sympathy Die


Divine and Sympathy dice are included in the upcoming Deluxe Expansions, “The Law of Lions” and “The Song of Soaksend,” which will be available for purchase from retailers and our own web store soon! Additionally, we’ll be starting previews for the cards found in these Deluxe Expansions next week. Be sure to check back soon for more information on the world of Ashes!


‘Til next time!

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