Note: This is an archived news article. The information and links are likely out of date.

Engage with Plaid Hat Games online!

Where to play and discuss our games

Enjoying your Plaid Hat games and interested in finding others to discuss and enjoy your games with? Check out the following Plaid Hat Games community resources!

The first place to hit up, of course, is our upcoming events. Find events near you, or even register for the Plaid Hat Corps and post your own events! Click here to check out upcoming events.

Besides live events, here's where you can gather online for some of our games!

Social Media

Plaid Hat Games is on Facebook. Have you liked us on Facebook?

We're also on Twitter. Follow us! And in addition to the company page, you can follow our designers Jerry Hawthorne, Isaac Vega, and the rest of us.

Tail Feathers

The Tail Feathers game page already has a slew of downloadable content with more on the way.

The Tail Feathers BoardGameGeek entry has had a lot of discussion as well, and fans have just started a Tail Feathers Facebook page to share creations and discuss the game. People have been sharing their paint jobs and strategy thoughts in the Tail Feathers section of our forums as well.

Click here to order Tail Feathers from the store.

Ashes: Rise of the Phoenixborn

Did you know Ashes has its own Reddit page? You can discuss the game there as well as the Ashes fan Facebook page which is approaching 1000 members.

Of course, don't miss out on our card browser and deckbuilder with which you can share decks and discuss cards. Then there's the fan-run Main Action Podcast as well.

(By the way, did you see what game was Marco's #1 this year?)

Click here to order Ashes: Rise of the Phoenixborn from the store.

Dead of Winter

Dead of Winter is always high on the hotness on BoardGameGeek, and so there's always discussion of the game there. You can also visit the Board Game subreddit where Dead of Winter discussion is common.

You can also create your own crossroads cards and download others' creations on our crossroad card creator. Get our Crossroads Companion app on the Google Play store for Android devices and the iOS app store for iPhones and iPads.

Click here to order Dead of Winter: A Crossroads Game from the store.

Specter Ops

Specter Ops is a highly rated game on Check out its BGG page for great discussion.

In particular, Specter Ops is played by forum on BGG on a regular basis. Check out some of the past games!

Summoner Wars

We're gearing up for new Summoner Wars releases soon! Be sure to head over to our forums, still the #1 place to find other Summoner Wars fans. Discuss the game and learn some new strategies.

Click here to order Summoner Wars from the store.

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Your products contain a total of standard sized cards. more packs of our high-quality clear sleeves would help keep them shiny and bright!

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