Note: This is an archived news article. The information and links are likely out of date.


Coming in March to a store near you.

Crystal Clans

For all those who have been (im)patiently waiting for Crystal Clans to appear before you, the time is near!

Crystal Clans will be released on March 29.

Crystal Clans will have a simultaneous international release in English, French, German, and Chinese.

In Crystal Clans, 2 players go to battle with unique armies. Leading their squads across the battlefield, players compete to gain powerful crystals which hold the power to dominate their world. Choose to command 1 of 6 clans, including the adaptable Water Clan, the peaceful Flower Clan, the relentless Skull Clan, the innumerable Blood Clan, the wise Meteor Clan or the unyielding Stone Clan.


Crystal Clans features an array of brand new game mechanics designed by Andrea Mezzotero. And with art by Martin Abel, Crystal Clans is one of the most beautifully illustrated games of 2018.

game setup

For the final month's countdown, we'll be posting development diaries from all of those involved in the game's creation. Until then, you can learn a ton about Crystal Clans in our series of previews from last year. Below is a guide, dive in and read it all to get pumped for Crystal Clans' release!

Crystal Clans Previews
Game PageAnnouncement Article
Game Basics: The Battlefield, Initiative and ScoringSquads, Summoning and ActivatingReplenishing, Invading, and Reshuffling, Final Crystal
Skull Clan: Part 1Part 2
Meteor Clan: Part 1Part 2
Flower Clan: Part 1Part 2
Blood Clan: Part 1Part 2
Stone Clan: Part 1Part 2
Water Clan: Part 1Part 2
Art Previews: Blood ClanFlower ClanMeteor ClanSkull ClanStone ClanWater Clan

crystal cards

Posted by Joe Ellis
Joe Ellis is a game designer and developer for Plaid Hat Games and a web developer for Asmodee North America.

Joe Ellis

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