Note: This is an archived news article. The information and links are likely out of date.

Tail Feathers Quick Flights: Building a Force

Quick flight video tips to prepare you for action!

Last week we introduced the Tail Feathers Quick Flights videos, short videos to help you digest some of the gameplay elements of Tail Feathers in short segments. Last week was the Building a Scenario Quick Flight. This week we build our forces!

Tail Feathers is still available for pre-order for a very limited time. Order by the end of the day Monday November 23th to get $15 off the retail price and a promotional Lost Chapter for Mice and Mystics Tail Feathers comes with 5 bird minis, 5 pilots, and 13 ground units. Mice and Mystics units are compatible with Tail Feathers as well! Pre-order today!

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