Note: This is an archived news article. The information and links are likely out of date.

The New Voices of

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In our effort to make this Web site the very best and most dynamic it can be, is proud to announce the addition of three new writers to our staff! Now will be the true epicenter for news, sessions, info, and discussion of games that are of the plaid persuasion.

Three great guys (and great writers) are joining Bryan and I on the team. I'll let them introduce themselves:

Infiltrating the Plaid Hat Games Writers

As some of the forum regulars are well aware, our webmaster Joe recently put out a call for individuals who would like to join the news team at PHG. I (Ranior) was interested, and so decided to send in my application. After a few weeks of begging, several deposits into Joe's paypal, the exchange of my bank account information, the reprisal of my SSN and PIN, and a promise to forfeit any possible Gencon tournament finals we may ever meet up in, I have infiltrated my way into the news team.

I'm humbled by the opportunity, and look forward to helping out the community as best I can. Whether it is talking about the latest exploits in Itharia with Abua, to delving into an expanding Dungeon with Stabbins, to telling a story with Filch, or leading my gang to victory against the Yugai forces, I will be here to share stories and strategy about the world of Plaid Hat Games.

Summoner Wars Puzzles shall now be posted weekly in the news section, bringing an interesting and hopefuly challenging situation to you every Thursday. In addition, I'll be sure to be bringing plenty of Summoner Wars strategy to your screens on a variety of topics. An article on how to overcome stalemate situations and turtlers is already in the works.

Again, I am glad for this opportunity to help out the Plaid Hat Games community, and I look forward to the times ahead. For now, I've got a puzzle to go create. Have fun battling Tacullu, the Yugai, or Vanestra in the meantime.

Note from Joe: Ryan and I recently played 6 iOS games against each other... I went 0-6 and never really came close to a victory. Yeah, he's one of the best, and raises our blog's Summoner Wars strategy-chops to a crazy level.

I Spy With My Three Eyes

Tacullu sat upon his throne, and watched as the hooded figure quickly dispatched the two controllers who were a standing guard in his throne room. He sheathed his large glowing blade, and slowly approached the Benders' summoner. 

"Remove your hood Selundar! I know it is you under there, for I have seen it in your mind..."

The figure laughed and dropped its hood, though Tacullu, who was never shocked at anything, was even surprised by what was underneaman. A male human who couldn't be more than 18 or nigh was standing before him, blade soaked in blood, a dark grey 214 tattooed onto his right cheek, and head shaved in a military fashion. 

"Who, who are you?" Tacullu stammered.

"My name is Jake, I hail from the far West, from the clan of the Chapmans."

"Why have you come here?"

This time, Jake turned to face the fourth wall, and proceeded to speak directly to the readers.

"So as most of you regular forum-go-ers? Forum-ites? Forum-idians? Eh... You people know, the magnificent Mr. Joe Ellis put out a call to all who were interested, for a chance to be inducted into the guild of Plaid Hat Games writers. Well I was interested, so I shot Joe an email. Now after a few weeks of obsessively checking my email, agreeing to give Joe my left kidney, and take the ancient PHG blood pact. I was finally accepted into the ranks of the PHG writers.

I am honored by the great opprotunity that has been granted to me, and look forward to every chance that I get to help out the community and one-up everyone for not being as awesome as me. Oh wait, you're telling me that I can't just write about my one-upping exploits, and pure awesomeness? Drat...

Well, looks like I'm onto Plan B. I'd to bring the A Week At Plaid Hat Games back to life, posting about the recent noteworthy activity that goes on on the Plaid Hat Games forums. I'll also be keeping everyone who is interested in The GLISA up to date with tournament and event info.

So lastly, I'd like to once again say how much of an honor it is to be able to help out this community that I've grown to love over the years.

So Run Dungeons, Grab Cheese, Fight For ARCS, and Summon On, Everybody!"

Jake then redrew his sword as Tacullu stood bewildered by the events that had just taken place, and with a quick smirk he jumped forward, ready for the real battle to commence.

The Forgotten Sons of Itharia

The downpour seemed as though it would never stop.  Huddled and shivering, the ragtag group looked completely downtrodden and without hope.  A pair of frail looking women, a wrathful orc dazedly staring into nothingness, bizarre froglike creatures, and a foul-mouthed freak composed but some of the most dejected looking among them.  There was no sunshine here, no respite from cruel fate, and no chance for any of the sorry crowd to wage glorious battle.

A jester-like figure danced among them, laying a hand upon each rejected soul and showing a sight they had all long-forgotten: a friendly face. 

“You are not forgotten.  Come, we shall show the world your true glory.”

The man brought hope to those without any and sought to bring the merit of these unloved individuals to bear in the Summoner Wars from which they’d been excluded.  True, he is a knave, but he is a noble one at that.  It is said that he has foretold tales of battle between Bolvi and Torgan, that he will always choose the path less traveled, and that he is humbled and honored to join the ranks of the Plaid Hat bloggers.  He hopes to spread the word that there is a place for those unloved and forgotten members of the Summoner Wars, and that there is more to the land of Itharia than Oldin and Elien can dream of.  If you care to listen, he will tell you a tale of far-off lands as well, of enchantments, empires, superhumans and more.  He is the Noble Knave.

Author's Note:  All I had to bribe Joe with is chocolate chip cookies!  I'm very excited to join the crew and bring you all news, strategy, battle reports, and other fun pieces.

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