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Super Punch Fighter Preview!

Buttons and Stars!

SP BannerThis is our first preview for the beat-’em-up arena fighting game, Super Punch Fighter! coming early this summer. Let’s learn how to punch some buttons and smash some (cardboard) faces! 


Button Cards

On their turn, each player can push a button card as a free action! These cards allow the player to attack, move, block an opponent’s attack, or draw more cards. Simply, place a thumb token on a button card to gain its effect. Thumb tokens are easy to spot, because yes, they look like human thumbs!


Fighter Cards! 

In addition to pushing button cards for their individual powers, you can also push these buttons to launch awesome combos. Each fighter card has a button cost listed on it. Push the buttons needed and you can perform that card’s action. A player can play as many fighter cards as they want, as long as they have the appropriate button cards to pay for it.


Chaining Combos!

Players can chain combos if the first button in a card’s cost matches the last button in the previously played card’s cost. Meaning, they can skip that button when paying for the new card. For example – If the cards above were played in this order, the player would only need to push these button cards – B,C,A. Look at all the damage that fighter did by only pushing three buttons! Now that’s how you play a combo!

A player can push as many button cards as they want on their turn. However, they can only pick up four thumb tokens at the end of their turn. The remaining pushed buttons get discarded. Players will have to wait until their next turn to gain more button cards during the action phase. 

 Dial Stars

Earning Stars

All this button pushing, for what? To gain stars, of course! The first player to earn nine stars wins and becomes Grand Champion! Players keep track of the stars, along with their health, on their fighter dials.

There are several ways to earn stars: 

 Dial Live


Knocking an opposing player’s health bar into a different color will earn the attacking player a star. This includes revealing the skull sign by depleting the player’s health entirely.  Pushing, pulling, or throwing an opponent’s fighter off the board earns players a star as well.



Four achievement cards will be in play during a fight. Claiming one of these achievements, by completing the goal listed and adding an achievement token to the card, will gain that player a star. A player can only claim an achievement once, so don’t get greedy.

It is even possible to claim multiple stars from a single attack, making this a fast-paced, fists-flying game! 

I hope you enjoyed this first preview of Super Punch Fighter! Stay tuned for another preview next week!

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