Note: This is an archived news article. The information and links are likely out of date.

Raxxon: Evacuation Protocols Activated

Save the world... with Raxxon's help!


For weeks, Raxxon Pharmaceuticals has been partnering with local teams across the globe to contain the recent viral outbreak.

Today, we regret to announce that despite Raxxon’s best efforts, the global infection rate has reached the tipping point. Many cities are unlikely to be salvaged, and citizens everywhere should evacuate to safer regions immediately.

Raxxon has moved to Phase 2 of the containment protocol and is making Raxxon Evacuation Kits available to all who are willing to help. Raxxon Evacuation Kits will be on store shelves in early October so that all who wish to partner with Raxxon can help save humanity.

game setup

Talk to your local store about pre-ordering a Raxxon Evacuation Kit today, so that you are prepared for the worst as the zombie apocalypse spreads.


Raxxon is a challenging cooperative experience in which every action you take has unintended consequences. Tempt fate as you investigate the crowd looking for healthy to evacuate and infected to quarantine or eliminate. The choices you make determine the fate of humanity - search desperately for those final healthy survivors as Raxxon's power reaches its apex, or watch as the undead overrun your city.


Raxxon will be in stores in early October! The kit is suitable for 1-4 evacuators aged 14+ to overcome the zombie apocalypse in about an hour. Those who own the game can also access additional online scenarios and more at

See the rules video, rules pdf, and more on the Raxxon game page.

Bonus: Inside every Raxxon Evacuation Kit is 2 brand new, exclusive Dead of Winter characters! Meryl Wolfe and KD James fight the outbreak in Raxxon, and now join the colonies of Dead of Winter. Each comes with a character card, standee, and crossroads card.

dead of winter characters

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