Note: This is an archived news article. The information and links are likely out of date.

Reminder: Gen Con Cosplay Contest!

Come to our booth as an Ashes Phoenixborn or unit!

Last month we announced our Gen Con Ashes Cosplay contest. Today we just want to remind you of that contest! Don't forget to cosplay as your favorite Ashes character at Gen Con, come by the booth, and you could win!

This will be an at-the-show event, so we will not be doing home sent submissions and online voting. Here's the low-down:

  • Show up in costume at our booth during Gen Con (August 4th-7th).
  • All Ashes characters announced and released are eligible.  
  • $200 Cash Prize AND $200 in Plaid Hat Credit for the winner.
  • Winner will be chosen by staff and our GenCon volunteers not participating in the CosPlay contest. 
  • Winner will be announced on our website the week after Gen Con. 

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