Note: This is an archived news article. The information and links are likely out of date.

Raxxon Audio Logs: The Tank

Data files included.

ALERT: Due to helpful automatic safety protocols, observation cell #8865 has been unlocked and the occupant released. Data files found related to observation cell #8865 are below.

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"...Early attempts to combat the virus focused on attacking it during the incubation phase. But when cranial steroid injections were imlemented to reduce swelling in the brain, the results were catastrophic. Of Test Group 336, 23% of female test subjects were killed outright within seconds of the injections, though they did not reanimate. The remaining 77% experienced no change in their condition. The male test subjects sustained 100% casualties, but every single one of those reanimated, with significant changes to their physical makeup. It was these changes that prompted security to permanently seal the entirety of level B9."


The Tank

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