Note: This is an archived news article. The information and links are likely out of date.

Dead of Winter Promos Available for Purchase

Colby and Felicia Day promos temporarily available in our store

Felicia Day promoThe store has a limited number of Kodiak Colby and Felicia Day promo items available.

Both promos feature a new character standee (plastic stand not included), a matching character card and a related crossroads card.

The Kodiak Colby promo has always come with every order of Dead of Winter: A Crossroads Game, and will continue to come this way, but is now available for separate purchase.

The Felicia Day promo was part of TableTop Day kids that many local game stores had. We have a limited number to sell here at the store.

Click here to visit the store!

Add card sleeves to your order?

Your products contain a total of standard sized cards. more packs of our high-quality clear sleeves would help keep them shiny and bright!

80 Plaid Hat Games clear sleeves
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