Note: This is an archived news article. The information and links are likely out of date.

Deep Benders: Champions and Conjurations

Some non-Boost goodies Endrich offers

The Deep Benders Alliance faction is centered around the Boosting mechanic, which not only improves their Commons' stats and abilities, but also allows juggling with their magic, boosting status and location.  Boostable units can be used by the other Deep Dwarf and Bender Summoners as well, but I think you'll be please to know that there are other things Endrich's deck can do as well.

Keodel, Champion of the Deep Benders

Keodel, for example, uses Geopathy to increase the Attack Value of all adjacent Common units.  Like most of the gem magic we see among Deep Dwarf units, this has a significant magic cost: one MP per Common unit adjacent to her at the start of the Attack Phase -- even enemy Commons!  But just like Tundle, Endrich has ways of manipulating his Magic supply, including the Reclaim Event seen last week.

Owl Gryphon, Champion of the Deep Benders

There is also the Owl Gryphon. Like Piclo, it can move 1 card per turn from the Discard Pile to the Magic Pile.  But instead of needing to destroy a unit to carry this off, Owl Gryphon and its Summoner spend their Attack Phase concentrating on the Conserve spell rather than attacking.  Yes, this does mean that when using Conserve, only 1 normal attack can be done that turn.  But when it does attack, Owl Gryphon is a very respectable fighter in its own right.

I have saved one of Endrich's most interesting units for last:

 Gorgon, Conjuration of the Deep Benders

Endrich has found a way to bring the Gorgons out of nightmares and onto the battlefield, where they are terrors to all enemy Common units, killing them instantly with their gaze if they are close.

Gorgons are Conjurations, a different kind of unit.  Here is the Rules card for Conjurations, in case you forgot or didn't know how they work:

 Conjurations Rules Card

Notice that abilities that specifically affect Commons and Champions have no effect on Conjurations.  This, plus their 3 Life Points, means they are not easy to get rid of.

Conjure Gorgon, a Deep Bender Event 

Gorgons are the most powerful Conjurations we have seen yet, and they are the hardest to get, as well.  Endrich only has 3 of them, he can only conjure 1 at a time, and he must spend a Magic Point to do it, to boot.

We have now seen all the Deep Bender units and Events.  On Thursday we'll see the last of the Cave Filth, and next week we'll start on two more Alliance factions.  See you then.

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