Note: This is an archived news article. The information and links are likely out of date.

Quick Dead of Winter Update

Pre-orders soon on the boat, the rest still in production.

Time for another Dead of Winter production update!

After the last problem with the plastics, production got back underway until... there was another problem of some sort. But there were 3000 games worth produced with good plastics, so Plaid Hat Games is doing everything possible to get the products to our customers, since those games are done and are in tip-top shape. Those 3000 games are currently being assembled and will be on a boat to their destinations ASAP. That includes everyone who has pre-ordered at, European, Canadian, American, or otherwise. Hooray!

Since those games are now headed to their shipping locations in England, etc., the European shipping discounts have now ended, since only enough games to fulfill those orders have been shipped to their distribution locations.

IF there are any of these games left at the Plaid Hat Games office by GenCon (that are not sold out at the store), they will be for sale in Indy at GenCon.

Meanwhile, the other 7000 copies of the game will be produced in due time and brought over here ASAP to go through normal distribution to local stores, online retailers, etc.

The dawn of the dead is coming, people. Prepare yourselves.

Click here to order Dead of Winter from the store.

Add card sleeves to your order?

Your products contain a total of standard sized cards. more packs of our high-quality clear sleeves would help keep them shiny and bright!

80 Plaid Hat Games clear sleeves
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