Note: This is an archived news article. The information and links are likely out of date.

Mice and Mystics Figures in the Store

Mice and Mystics Dice Back in Stock as well

Update: And the dice are gone! Only two days this time. Better grab those figures quick if you want them.

Hurry! Mice and Mystics dice are back in stock exclusively in the store. Last time these showed up, they lasted a mere three days, so if you're interested, I suggest ordering NOW!

In addition, for the first time, we are offering a full set of figures--the same Mice and Mystics figures from the Sorrow and Remembrance set. If you are looking for a set to display, give away, or for your evil-twin fan-made scenario, you'll want to pick these up as well. All 22 figures are included. My guess is these aren't going to last long either.

Head to the store to order Mice and Mystics products from

Add card sleeves to your order?

Your products contain a total of standard sized cards. more packs of our high-quality clear sleeves would help keep them shiny and bright!

80 Plaid Hat Games clear sleeves
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