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Turf Wars: City of Remnants Preview #3

Control developments for wealth, renown, and more.

This is the third preview of City of Remnants. Be sure to pre-order by December 7 to have your copy airshipped over a month in advance instead of coming over via boat.

A gang is nothing without its turf. If you want to be a reputable gang you got to have some territory. But what if the territory you control is worthless?

Hello everyone, this is Isaac Vega again with another preview of my upcoming game City of Remnants. Today we are going to talk about Developments. Developments are the only way to make that worthless territory you control on the board worth something. Controlling Developments will allow you to gain renown at the end of each round. Renown, as we all know by now is the one thing you need to win the game.

At the beginning of the game you will randomly determine which developments will be available to purchase throughout the game. Here are some of the developments that you will be playing with.

Controlling developments allows players to gain renown, create product tokens, gain ARCs, defend territories, and expand and reduce your gang member deck. The action that you take to place these developments on the board is called the Production>>>Develop action. When performing a
Production>>>Develop action you are able to trigger most Development abilities as well as purchase and place a Development anywhere on the board.

In order for Developments to work however they need to be controlled by units. Making sure you have at least 1 unit in each space a development occupies is the only way a development will give you any benefit. When placing developments on the board you must also be aware of where you can place them. Some developments can only be built on certain areas of the board.

The City of Remnants board is broken down into 3 different areas, the Slums, Midtown, and the Heights. Each of these areas are represented on the map by color, red, blue, and green. Each Development card shows where a Development is eligible to be placed.

Although Developments are a great way to gain renown and accumulate ARC's, they must also be defended. Having a gang is of course no easy business and other gangs may vie for the territory you have developed. Although a threat, other player's gangs are not the only thing you need to worry about. Yugai Control Units are always just waiting mess with your operations, and you never know when they are going to show up and try to shut you down.

But don't fret young gang leader, your efforts will be well worth it. Any citizen of Gatorum will tell you it is better to control the city than let the city control you.

That's it for today's preview. Stay tuned to for more on City of Remnants as we approach its release date. Thanks again for reading and feel free to leave a comment below. If you have any questions for me or just want to shoot me a random email go ahead at [email protected].

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