Note: This is an archived news article. The information and links are likely out of date.

Tail Feathers Video Overview!

See it all: Minis, dice, cheese, and the battle for aerial supremacy

Wow, this will get you excited. Check out the Tail Feathers gameplay overview in the video below!

Don't for get to subscribe to Watch it Played and pre-order Tail Feathers for $15 off the retail price.

Also, don't forget, tomorrow is the last day to enter our Tail Feathers contest!

Tail Feathers Preview Articles
Week 1: Round Phases, Story Part 1
Week 2: Flight Basics, Aerijin & Zure, Story Part 2
Week 3: Attacking, Grizzard & Snag, Story Part 3
Week 4: Ground Troops, Snibble and Sienna, Valchirp and Wella, Story Part 3
Week 5: Scenarios

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