Note: This is an archived news article. The information and links are likely out of date.

New Article and Podcast Notifications

Up to date with the site header.

Hey guys and gals, I just added a new feature that should tell you in the site header when there's new news and new podcasts. Whether or not you've seen the new stuff is saved in your cookies, so once you view the items, the "new" notifications go away. You may have to refresh the page in order for the notifications to show up with stylization and in the correct spot.

If it's your first time viewing the site on a certain computer or browser, you won't get the notifications for news and podcasts already up during your first visit.

Also, this feature will not work on the forum. Sorry, gotta go to the normal site to check for stuff. Maybe some day. (Actually I can see doing this sometime soon.)

Finally, yes, in case you were wondering, the feature is not actually newsworthy in and of itself; this whole news post is just an excuse for me to test out the feature. (And it likely won't work for you this time around, since the cookies are just now being added to your browser. But it worked for me, yay! You'll notice next time we post a news article or podcast.)

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