Note: This is an archived news article. The information and links are likely out of date.

Ashes: More About The Future!

More specifics on exclusive cards.


When we announced last week that we would be offering the Phoenixborn Lulu Firststone along with purchase of the upcoming Ashes expansions on our website, fans responded with concerns over this model of distributing exclusive cards in a tournament-friendly game.

We have heard what you have to say and want to announce that we will be distributing both the Lulu and the Dimona exclusive in a number of ways.

1. When you make any Ashes purchase on our website you will have you choice of exclusive you want included with that purchase.  So if you buy both of the new expansions on our website you can get each promo thrown in for free.  Look for the pre-order coming soon.

2. We will offer both promos for sale on our website. So even if you picked up the game elsewhere you will have access to buy from us.  We are currently consulting with our EU and Canadian warehouses on what kind of shipping costs we can offer to various places in the world.

3. We have revised the contents of our tournament kits to include a copy of both the Lulu and Dimona exclusives for everyone that participates in the tournament that the kit supports.

All of us at Plaid Hat Games are overjoyed by everyone's response to Ashes since its release. We are working hard to support and grow the Ashes community. As Isaac noted, be sure to check out our Ashes deck builder, the fan-run Main Action Ashes podcast and the fan-run Ashes Facebook group while we wait with anticipation for Ashes' first expansions. Thanks for playing!

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