Note: This is an archived news article. The information and links are likely out of date.

The Main Action: An Ashes fan podcast!

Three episodes already available!

The Main Action Podcast logoAshes: Rise of the Phoenixborn is trickling into game stores. Our Ashes card browser and deck builder is online and in heavy use. The fan-run Ashes Online Facebook group is constantly abuzz with discussion of the game as well. And now there is a podcast about all things Ashes!

The Main Action podcast is a fan-run Ashes pocast on its third episode. The guys are doing a great job with it and it's a must-listen for everyone playing the game.

Click here to visit the Main Action podcast site.

Click here to check out our card browser and deck builder.

Click here to order Ashes: Rise of the Phoenixborn from the store.

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