Note: This is an archived news article. The information and links are likely out of date.

TableTop Mice and Mystics: The Conclusion!

Wil and the fam make the race to the tree.

Tail Feathers minis

Mice and Mystics has been big on gamers' minds lately. Tail Feathers, the newest game in the Mice and Mystics universe, is coming soon. There have been some glimpses of the final miniatures and cards on Twitter. The Tail Feathers pre-order is arriving next week, and with that comes previews, rules downloads, interviews, and more!

But before we all go Tail Feathers-crazy, let's take one more look back at the story that introduced us to Maginos and the crew in the first place. Last week we saw part 1 of TableTop's playthrough of Mice and Mystics: Sorrow and Remembrance chapter 1. Today, watch the conclusion of their game! Will Nez and the gang make it to Barksburg alive? Find out below!

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