Note: This is an archived news article. The information and links are likely out of date.

Cosplay CONTEST: Vote!

Shrews and Phoenixborn Abound

cosplay contest

This year during GenCon, we ran a cosplay contest for Ashes and Mice & Mystics. The submissions are in and we're asking you to vote for a winner in each of two categories!

For Mice & Mistics, we have an adorable mouse and shrew for Mice and Mystics, and for Ashes, we have 3 Phoenixborn as well as a Butterfly Monk. Vote on our Facebook contest page or at the official contest page.

One entry for each game will win, and you can vote for each entry up to one time by logging into Facebook.

Besides the Mice & Mystics and Ashes cosplays, there were also some great Dead of Winter cosplays. Those weren't part of the contest, but you can see them below!

The last day to vote is Monday, August 10! Good luck to all! And great job!

Click here to vote on Facebook.

Click here to vote on the contest page.

Dead of Winter cosplay

Dead of Winter cosplay

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