Note: This is an archived news article. The information and links are likely out of date.

Ashes Plaid Hat Podcast Episode

Aaashes... It's a caaardgame...

Ashes! It's Plaid Hat Games' next hotly anticipated release, arriving this summer and changing the board game world forever.

But what do you do until Ashes enters your house and takes over your life?

Well, you can check out our series of preview articles on Maeoni to get you pumped, for one.

Second, you can visit the Ashes area of our forums and get psyched for the game with other fans, plus get answers to your questions from the Phuzz-worthy lead playtester Bob Klotz.

And third, you can listen to the latest Plaid Hat Podcast episode, which has Bob, designer Isaac Vega, and others talking all about Ashes! Take a listen!

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