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Learn How to Play Specter Ops

Video instructions now available

Rodney Smith has produced yet another excellent instructional video for Plaid Hat Games!

Specter Ops: Shadow of Babel puts you and 1-4 friends in the middle of a war for society that's fought in the shadows.

On one side, a lone A.R.K. agent infiltrates a Raxxon facility, seeking to retrieve three mission targets and escape alive. Equipped with unique skills and tools, the agent moves in secret.

On the other side, two or more genetically enhanced Raxxon hunters, alerted to the intruder's presence, take no prisoners as they attempt to eliminate the A.R.K. agent before a successful escape. Super-human mutations and keen coordination aid them in their duty to destroy Raxxon's enemies.

Click here to pre-order Specter Ops today.

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Your products contain a total of standard sized cards. more packs of our high-quality clear sleeves would help keep them shiny and bright!

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