Note: This is an archived news article. The information and links are likely out of date.

Specter Ops: A New Sci-fi Stealth-ops Board Game

Preview at BGG.Con!


If you didn't see if over the weekend, let us be the first to shortly brief you on our upcoming Sci-fi stealth-ops board game: Specter Ops. 

The game is designed by Emerson Matsuuchi, with art by Steven Hamilton.  A secret agent of A.R.K. has infiltrated a top secret Raxxon facility, attempting to complete three mission objectives before they escape.  But they are hunted by genetically modified Raxxon Hunters.  Players can chose which side they wish to join. 

Specter Ops is slated for a 2015 release, but those going to Boardgamegeek.Con will get a preview of it at the show.

See you all soon.  

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