Note: This is an archived news article. The information and links are likely out of date.

Prince Elien joins the BattleCON cast

Kicking butt in the Level 99 Kickstarter


What's this? BattleCON by Level99 Games on the Plaid Hat Games site?

Level 99 Games just announced over at their BattleCON: War Remastered Kickstarter campaign that Prince Elien of Summoner Wars fame will be featured as a character in the newest BattleCON remix!

Immortal Elien

Check out their latest update at the campaign, where they have the following to say about Prince Elien in the tradtional 2D video game fighter simulator:

In celebration of the upcoming Alliances Master Set for Summoner Wars, Plaid Hat Games and Level 99 have teamed up to bring you a BattleCON Promo Fighter: Prince Elien! After his alliance with the Fallen Kingdom, Elien has gained new dark powers and immortality. He brings these new powers to the arena by using both summoned allies and his own magic to duel in BattleCON!

Oooh, dark new powers! Apparently this is the Elien who roams the battlefield after an alliance is made with the Fallen Kingdom

Gotta say I'm impressed with the cartoon-style but still badass art they've come up with for this undead incarnation of Elien. Check out the Kickstarter and consider backing! Plaid Hat Games is honored to be involved. Congrats to Level 99 Games on what already looks like a very successful Kickstarter campaign! We look forward to playing the final product.


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