Note: This is an archived news article. The information and links are likely out of date.

Mice & Mystics up for BGG Game of the Year

It's not too late to vote!

Every year the folks at give out their Golden Geek awards to honor the best achievements in games for the previous year or two.  We are thrilled that PHG's Mice and Mystics was not only 1 of the 15 finalists in 3 categories, it was one of the top three vote-getters in each category:

Artwork & Presentation

Family Game

Thematic Game

The voting in these categories is closed, and the winners will be announced on Feb. 27.  But M&M is one of the 25 finalists for the overall award of Board Game of the Year, and voting is still open for that.  If you have a BGG account and want to vote, click here.  The voting closes on midnight Feb. 26.  (I am unsure about the time zone, so assume it's EST and vote right away!)

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