Note: This is an archived news article. The information and links are likely out of date.

Summoner Wars in Chinese

A slightly different publishing approach

A Chinese edition of Summoner Wars is being published by Wargames Club Publishing in Hong Kong!  

They are taking an interesting approach.  First, they offer a Starting Set which has everything you need to play -- except any faction deck:

Then they sell each faction deck separately.  The decks published so far include the Guild Dwarves, Shadow Elves, Benders, and Cave Goblins. 

The new releases in April are the Phoenis Elves and Sand Goblins.

And in May they will release the Vanguard and Tundra Orcs.  I have asked whether they will gradually publish all 16 factions, as well as the Reinforcement Packs, and I will tell you once I know. 


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