Note: This is an archived news article. The information and links are likely out of date.

Holiday Wishlists Covered in Melted Cheese

Mice and Mystics named on's 12 hot holiday toys has published its 2012 list of 12 hot holiday toys, and guess what showed up on the list: Plaid Hat Games' own Mice and Mystics!

The Yahoo article said the following about the game of six furry little adventurers and one meddling cat:

 One of the most widely acclaimed new board games of 2012, Mice and Mystics blends a rich storyline with cooperative, friendly gameplay -- and a big scoop of charm, courtesy of its cheese-chomping, cat-dodging stars.

We agree, Mice and Mystics is a must-buy for fans of board games, storytelling, cooperation, excitement, family-togetherness, happiness, a lower unemployment rate, and world peace. Head to the store to pick up your copy today with two free promo cards.

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