Note: This is an archived news article. The information and links are likely out of date.

Spellsucker and Incanter Mutants

The fourth results of the preview poll

Well, we made it to Indianopolis late last night, but before heading in to Gen Con, let's look at the penultimate results of the preview poll.  I must say, for two disturbing-looking members of a disturbing group, it sure is exciting to meet them.

Spellsucker Mutant, Mutation of the Filth

We now know what "Spellsucker" means: this particular Mutation can cancel the effects of an enemy Event!  True, the Unit is destroyed in the process, but that's OK since not only does this yield Magic, the Demagogue can just use his Ability to get it back again!

 Incanter Mutant, Mutation of the Filth

And the Incanter Mutant is no less valuable: its ability to preach stirs up the lowly unmutated Filth Commons adjacent to it so that they add 2 to their Attack Value!  Now even the Commons need to be feared at times -- especially the ones that are ranged.  


I think that the Filth's reinforcements are the most exciting ones ever: they add so many more powerful tools to their toolbox.  A word of warning though: these new Mutations, while very powerful, are more in the magical side, and if you have too many in your deck you either won't have enough physical force to fight with, or not enough Commons to mutate.  


Until next time!  (And you won't have to vote, of course, since we know what the last previews will be.)


Posted by Bryan Stout

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